Sunday Morning Worship
Click here to see the weekly bulletin.
9:45 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Morning Worship Service
The pastor and staff, the church officers, and all the members of Covenant Presbyterian Church invite you to join us at 11:00 am on Sundays for our morning worship service. Come meet a caring, friendly congregation and worship with us.
Come as you are and worship with us in song, prayer, and hearing the preaching of the Word.
Come early for Sunday School at 9:45 am. There are classes for all ages and a nursery is available during the Worship Service.
Come visit us on Sunday!
11:00 am - Morning Worship Service
The pastor and staff, the church officers, and all the members of Covenant Presbyterian Church invite you to join us at 11:00 am on Sundays for our morning worship service. Come meet a caring, friendly congregation and worship with us.
Come as you are and worship with us in song, prayer, and hearing the preaching of the Word.
Come early for Sunday School at 9:45 am. There are classes for all ages and a nursery is available during the Worship Service.
Come visit us on Sunday!
Sunday Evening Worship at 5:30 pm
Each Sunday evening, the church has the opportunity to gather again to sing hymns and psalms, pray, and hear the Scriptures read and preached.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper each week, except for the first Sunday of the month. On this day, we celebrate the Lord's Supper in the morning worship service.
As in the morning service, we typically preach through a book of the Bible.
Note that there is no childcare in this service, but we rejoice in the presence of children and babies! If you feel you must step out of the sanctuary, our lobby is equipped with speakers so you can still hear the service. Please also see the display in the lobby for resources to assist your child in worship.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper each week, except for the first Sunday of the month. On this day, we celebrate the Lord's Supper in the morning worship service.
As in the morning service, we typically preach through a book of the Bible.
Note that there is no childcare in this service, but we rejoice in the presence of children and babies! If you feel you must step out of the sanctuary, our lobby is equipped with speakers so you can still hear the service. Please also see the display in the lobby for resources to assist your child in worship.
Contact Us:
Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), 819 Highway 314, Fayetteville, GA 30214