The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
Psalm 51:17
We are a means-of-grace church. By that, we are saying that we believe God uses certain means to enable Christians to receive the benefits of redemption. Our confessions and catechisms state that there are three principal ordinary means of grace and they are the Word of God, the sacraments, and prayer, and these are elements of public worship. Everything that occurs between the Call To Worship and the Benediction is the most important activity the church does all week. In harmony with that proposition, we are committed to the singing of historic, traditional hymns and psalms and we typically preach through books of the Bible.
We would love to have you join us each Sunday for morning and evening worship.
Morning Worship Service 11:00 am Sermons from the Gospel of Matthew on YouTube
Evening Worship Service 5:30 pm Sermons on the book of Colossians on SoundCloud
Click below to see what is happening at CPC this month:
Sunday School Classes at 9:45 am
Adults - Does the Bible Speak Today? Youth - Ecclesiastes Older Elementary - Genesis to Revelation Bible survey focusing on 1 Corinthians to Philemon Early Elementary - Living Together: God and his people with stories from Genesis PreK - God’s Family: beginning the line of promise from Adam through Joseph
Click here to learn more about the classes listed above.
Contact Us:
Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA), 819 Highway 314, Fayetteville, GA 30214 770-460-9451